About me

After finishing high school I thought it would be cool to become a Jazzpianist. And that is what I did.
I am very grateful to have met wonderful teachers and many inspiring people on my way. After finishing the conservatory in Hilversum I moved to Amsterdam and I went on learning about music. By listening to others, practising, rehearsing and playing gigs at jazzbars, clubs, festivals and theaters. I still do and I hope my curiosity to discover new things and to face unknown situations will never stop. I like music with a free spirit and I find that in the many styles of jazz and improvised music. From all these influences I try to develop my own style, my music. Please take some time and listen to my recordings, if you like.
Thanks for visting my site and I hope to see you somewhere when I play.A few facts
Born in Oberhausen, DE
Abitur at Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium, DE
1986 - 1991
Study Jazzpiano at Hilversum's Conservatorium, NL
Move to Amsterdam, NL
Debut album "tales of the frog" with Balthaus/Lochs 4-tet
1994 - 2008
Teacher at Conservatorium Osnabrück, DE
2008 - 2015 & again since 2017
Pianist at Millennium Jazz Orchestra
since 2012
Collaboration with Berthold Records